General Info
Principal: Alice Wazir
Grade Levels: Preschool-12
Class Hours: M-F, 7:30am – 2:30pm
Registration: Soon will Open Academic Year 2025-2026
Middle School
Secondary School
Quick Info
Registration and Enrollment
Registration begins…
If you are new to BBS and would like to enroll your child, you can view our Admission Policy or Apply for Admission.
With the BBS COVID Manual, you can find out all the latest COVID safety procedures at BBS.
BBS Student Manual
BBS’s Student Manual is now in both English and Arabic.
English Student Manual
Career Opportunities
We are currently looking for a …
You can check out our career page to see our current open positions.
Message from Our Principal
Our Mission & Vision
As an inclusive school committed to rigorous, relevant and holistic education, BBS cultivates and inspires diverse learners in mind, body and spirit to become responsible citizens and successful lifelong learners.
Our vision is to see empowered learners and educators think creatively, reason critically and proactively engaged in their community guided by ethical and spiritual values.
Virtual Tour – Safety Measures on Campus
Msaytbeh, Maalouf Street Beirut, Lebanon
Administration Hours
M-F: 7:30am – 2:00pm
Contact Info
Tel: +961 1 818474
Mob: +961 71 818474
Announcements & Events
Friday, April 07, 2023
Easter Vacation
Saturday, April 22, 2023
اليوم الوطنيّ لذوي الصّعوبات التّعلميّة
Thursday, June 15, 2023
KG 3 – Graduation Ceremony
Most Recent Blog Post

الانقطاع عن التعليم وتأثيره في التحصيل الاكاديمي
قررت الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة إعلان يوم 24 كانون الثاني يوما دوليًّا للتعليم، احتفاءً بالدور الذي يضطلع به التعليم في تحقيق السلام والتنمية. ومصادفة لهذا اليوم، ومع استمرار الانقطاع عن التعليم في عدّة دول حول العالم، ومنها لبنان، يهمّ المدرسة المعمدانيّة الانجيليّة أن تسلّط الضوء على هذه المشكلة التي انعكست بنيويًّا في القطاع التربوي بشكل عام، كما تركت تداعيات نفسيّة في مختلف العائلات.
Years of Quality Education
BBS Testimonials
“When I heard the school was damaged in the port explosion, I was absolutely heartbroken. I was devastated to hear that the school I grew up in, spent my entire life studying in, and met a lot of amazing people in, was damaged. BBS is an amazing school that has created a wonderful environment for me to learn in, as well as an environment to meet people who have become some of my closest friends. The school has taught me the value of teamwork and cooperation with other people. I’m grateful for the school’s scholarship support—without it I wouldn’t have stayed in the school.
“Three of my daughters are currently enrolled in BBS (grades 2, 6, and 10). If it were not for scholarship support, I don’t know what we would have done. Due to the economic crisis my salary was cut in half. BBS is not an ordinary school—it’s my daughters’ family. The school staff all treat my daughters as their own kids, and whenever we have problems they are quick to respond. I am grateful that we are a part of the BBS family.”
“We salute and appreciate all the efforts that you are doing. You always make us proud, and you always prove that we made the right choice when we enrolled our children at BBS.”