Grade 4 – Math is Fun

Grade 4 – Math is Fun

It was a real fun to see learners happy, motivated, and truly involved using smarties, M&Ms, and marshmallows to divide whole numbers that do not divide evenly. In each section of grade 4, the learners worked in groups of 4, with each dividing different amounts of smarties among themselves. The results were interesting.

– Some ended up having a remainder greater than the divisor; consequently, they figured out that there are more smarties than can be shared equally.

– Some had more smarties in groups than others; as a result, they understood that division is about sharing items equally and it’s fine if some are left over, the left over is the remainder itself.

Finally, it’s a real privilege to see learners truly involved and excited to study math and having fun learning new concepts.

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Flower Dissection

Flower Dissection

Grade 4 learners used their thinking skills to dissect a lily flower and to identify its parts. They used their communication skills to present these parts and to make a model of the flower.

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نشاط التغذية السليمة

نشاط التغذية السليمة

انطلاقا من وحدتنا الأولى في برنامج PYP في الصف الرابع الأساسيّ الخيارات الصحيّة تؤثّر على أجسامنا بطرق مختلفة، استضفنا أشخاصًا خسروا من وزنهم من أجل حياة أفضل. فأجروا حواراتٍ مع المتعلّمين انطلاقًا من التساؤلات التي تجول في بالهم، ووصلوا إلى نتائج تفيدهم في حياتهم العمليّة.

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