Secondary School


Welcome to Secondary School

The BBS middle school comprises grades 10, 11, &1 12 and follows two separate programs.

The department head for the secondary school is Alice Wazir.

Our Mission

Mission and Vision

Our mission is to prepare students in mind, body, and spirit to meet the challenges of the world around them. As such, the school continues to share the spiritual concerns of its founders. We seek to promote the love of God in all we do, to liberate the mind and soul from the bondage of ignorance and fear. Our task as a learning community is to help students flourish socially, spiritually, and academically.

In John 8:32, Jesus tells us: “You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” In some ways, this is the bedrock of a solid education: discovering the truth.

We build our community—our curriculum, our interactions with students and family, our staff relations—on this value, the value of truth. It’s one of the principles that set us apart.

A Message From

Head of Secondary School


The Secondary School @ BBS, with close to 300 students, follows a three-year cycle made up of two separate programs: The Lebanese Baccalaureate Program and the International Program.

The Lebanese Baccalaureate Program, which follows a curriculum set by the Lebanese Ministry of Education prepares students for the national official examinations, the Baccalaureate in General Sciences, Life Sciences, Sociology and Economics, or Humanities. Students sit for exams in Grade 12 and proceed to university at the Sophomore level. This rigorous program is enhanced with extra-curricular school activities and a rich student life.

The International Program graduates learners with a High School Diploma, accredited by the Lebanese Ministry of Education upon the completion of Grade 12. The program prepares students to sit for internationally recognized external exams such as the SAT, SAT II, and TOEFL. Students follow a challenging academic program and graduate tri-lingually in Arabic, English and French. Part of the curriculum for all Secondary students includes mandatory participation in the Community Service Program.

The Secondary School is designed to provide substantial opportunity for students to develop the talents and interests of which they are aware and to discover and develop previously unrecognized ones through the International and the Lebanese programs

Our graduation requirements are designed to ensure that each Beirut Baptist School graduate is well prepared both for college and for a lifetime of service and learning. They reflect our belief that students become creative, reflective, open-minded, disciplined, productive, compassionate, and passionate adults by engaging in a broad range of learning opportunities, both inside and outside of the classroom!

Mrs. Alice Azar Wazir

Head of Division – Secondary School

This Year’s Motto

“I pledge to be”

  • Maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters between everyone
  • Use signs, ground markings, tape, barriers and other means to maintain 1 meter distance in queues around entrances
  • Wear your mask
  • Bring your own hand sanitizer
  • Do not share (masks, books, food, stationery, etc…..)
  • Do not touch your face, nose and ears
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Stay at home if sick

Being Responsible Responsible in Class

  • Show up to every class on time and always come prepared.
  • Make sure you’ve done the homework and reading assignments, and that you have everything you’ll need for class that day.
  • Listen actively, respond to questions, and ask questions if there’s any material you’re confused or uncertain about.

Being Responsible Outside of Class

  • Manage your time wisely!
    • Break your tasks down into smaller ones,
    • Have a timeline for the things you need to accomplish and work on those tasks in a logical order.
    • Decide which tasks are a priority and which tasks/projects need to be completed before the next can be started.
  • Study for tests and exams ahead of time

     Be Awesome Online

    • Take the time to practice navigating the online system ( email / teams / onenote / stream)
    • Save your email and password


      Choose Your Grade

      Grade 10

      Grade 11

      Grade 12

      Subjects taught at the BBS secondary school


      Christian Education

      Computer Science






      Life Science



      Physical Education




      News & Announcements

      Here’s what’s been going on with the secondary students.

      Grade 12 – Visit to the Chronic Center

      Grade 12 – Visit to the Chronic Center

      Grade 12 took a trip to the Chronic Care Center in Hazmieh, where they visited the genetic lab and learned more about gel electrophoresis and DNA analysis. They listened to lectures about Thalassemia and Type 1 Diabetes, which are two prevailing diseases in Lebanon...

      College Fair

      College Fair

      BBS hosted its annual University Fair. Fifteen universities participated in the fair. Students of Grades 11 and 12 were really looking forward to meet with university representatives and ask important questions. Thank you Waznat, thank you Rowyna...

      Contact the Secondary School Department Head

      14 + 12 =