Diabetes Interview

Diabetes Interview

For the first unit of inquiry, Who We Are, our grade 6 learners were studying about adolescence and all the hormonal imbalances that might result from glands disorder.

Our learners decided to go through a new experience and interview Mr. Bashir Hatoum, a Grade 12 student at BBS, who has diabetes and was eager to talk about his journey with this chronic disease. The best part of this interview is that students demonstrated most of the IB learner profile attributes in one single activity. In addition, our learners were inquirers and knowledgeable as they showed curiosity in asking a wide range of questions. Moreover, learners were excellent communicators as they listened to the ideas of others and expressed themselves confidently. To add, learners acted with integrity and honesty. They were principled and caring, showed compassion and respect, and yet were risk takers when it comes to the kinds of questions asked.

The interview itself was a success. It was fun mixed with education. Finally, Bashir taught us all how to be balanced and responsible for our daily decisions, which makes self-management a crucial element for overcoming any obstacle in life.

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Teeth Checkup

Teeth Checkup

The BBS clinic partnered with Kidsairline Pediatric Clinic to spread oral health awareness. Dr. Jad Nasr visited our school on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of December and did a full teeth checkup for KG3, Gr 3, 6, 7 and 8 learners.

[dss_masonry_gallery images=”2722,2721,2720,2719,2718,2717,2716,2715,2714,2713,2712,2711,2710,2709,2708,2707,2706,2705,2704,2703,2702,2701,2700,2699,2698,2697,2696,2695,2694,2693,2692,2691″ gallery_orderby=”rand” caption_in_lightbox=”on” gutter=”6″ use_overlay=”on” overlay_color=”rgba(16,24,32,0.39)” overlay_icon_color=”#ffffff” hover_icon=”%%51%%” columns_tablet=”3″ columns_phone=”2″ columns_last_edited=”on|tablet” _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”][/dss_masonry_gallery]

Diabetes Interview

Diabetes Interview

For the first unit of inquiry, Who We Are, our grade 6 learners were studying about adolescence and all the hormonal imbalances that might result from glands disorder.

Our learners decided to go through a new experience and interview Mr. Bashir Hatoum, a Grade 12 student at BBS, who has diabetes and was eager to talk about his journey with this chronic disease. The best part of this interview is that students demonstrated most of the IB learner profile attributes in one single activity. In addition, our learners were inquirers and knowledgeable as they showed curiosity in asking a wide range of questions. Moreover, learners were excellent communicators as they listened to the ideas of others and expressed themselves confidently. To add, learners acted with integrity and honesty. They were principled and caring, showed compassion and respect, and yet were risk takers when it comes to the kinds of questions asked.

The interview itself was a success. It was fun mixed with education. Finally, Bashir taught us all how to be balanced and responsible for our daily decisions, which makes self-management a crucial element for overcoming any obstacle in life.

[dss_masonry_gallery images=”3083,3082,3081,3080,3079,3078,3077,3076,3075,3074,3073,3072,3071″ gallery_orderby=”rand” caption_in_lightbox=”on” gutter=”6″ use_overlay=”on” overlay_color=”rgba(16,24,32,0.39)” overlay_icon_color=”#ffffff” hover_icon=”%%51%%” columns_tablet=”3″ columns_phone=”2″ columns_last_edited=”on|phone” _builder_version=”4.9.0″ _module_preset=”default”][/dss_masonry_gallery]

Grade 6 Camp – Arsoun Village

Grade 6 Camp – Arsoun Village

“A family that camps together stays together.”

An exquisite experience in nature brought tranquility and strengthened friendships among grade 6 campers. Away from any technological devices and from the virtual world, six graders got to spend 24 unforgettable hours together in a fabulous campsite in the virgin nature of Arsoun. Parents got a glimpse of those pleasurable moments when they joined their kids over dinner.

[dss_masonry_gallery images=”3635,3634,3633,3632,3631,3630,3629,3628,3627,3626,3625,3624,3623,3622,3621,3620,3619,3618,3617,3616,3615,3614,3613,3612,3611,3610,3609,3608,3607,3606,3605,3604,3603,3602,3601,3600,3599,3598,3597,3596,3595,3594,3593,3592,3591,3590,3588,3587,3586,3585,3584,3583,3582,3581,3580,3579,3578,3577,3576,3575,3574,3573,3572,3571,3570,3569,3568,3567,3566″ gallery_orderby=”rand” gutter=”6″ use_overlay=”on” overlay_color=”rgba(16,24,32,0.39)” overlay_icon_color=”#ffffff” hover_icon=”%%51%%” columns_tablet=”3″ columns_phone=”2″ columns_last_edited=”on|phone” _builder_version=”4.9.1″ _module_preset=”default”][/dss_masonry_gallery]

Grade 6 Celebration

Grade 6 Celebration

[dss_masonry_gallery images=”4625,4624,4623,4622,4621,4620,4619,4618,4617,4616,4615,4614,4613,4612,4611,4610,4609,4608,4607,4606,4605,4604,4603,4602,4601,4600,4599,4598,4597,4596,4595,4594,4593,4592,4591,4590,4589,4588,4587,4586,4585,4584,4583,4582,4581,4580,4579,4578,4577,4576,4575,4574,4573,4572,4571,4570,4569″ gallery_orderby=”rand” caption_in_lightbox=”on” gutter=”6″ use_overlay=”on” overlay_color=”rgba(16,24,32,0.39)” overlay_icon_color=”#ffffff” hover_icon=”%%51%%” columns_tablet=”2″ columns_phone=”2″ columns_last_edited=”on|phone” _builder_version=”4.9.2″ _module_preset=”default”][/dss_masonry_gallery]

Grade 6 – DELF

Grade 6 – DELF

[dss_masonry_gallery images=”5594,5593,5592″ gallery_orderby=”rand” caption_in_lightbox=”on” gutter=”6″ use_overlay=”on” overlay_color=”rgba(16,24,32,0.39)” overlay_icon_color=”#ffffff” hover_icon=”%%51%%” columns_tablet=”1″ columns_phone=”1″ columns_last_edited=”on|phone” _builder_version=”4.9.2″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ columns=”3″ sticky_enabled=”0″][/dss_masonry_gallery]