Teeth Checkup
The BBS clinic partnered with Kidsairline Pediatric Clinic to spread oral health awareness. Dr. Jad Nasr visited our school on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of December and did a full teeth checkup for KG3, Gr 3, 6, 7 and 8 learners.

Kindness Day
Our BE THE “I” IN KIND campaign was created as a tool to teach our BBS learners about the importance of being kind to one another.
During this time our counselors and teachers emphasized kindness in their guidance classes, and encouraged learners to practice in action what it looks and sounds like to be KIND in order to make their classrooms, playgrounds and school a kinder place. Learners also picked an act of kindness paper and were encouraged to apply it in their daily life.

French Day – Middle School

BBS at LAU MUN 2019
Our middle school delegates researched, negotiated, wrote resolutions, and won! Congratulations to our 7th grader Perla Kobeissi for her Diplomacy Award.

Grade 7 Learners at the Lab
In their Chemistry, class our 7th graders are learning to separate components of different mixtures by following scientific reasoning.