Diabetes Interview

Diabetes Interview

For the first unit of inquiry, Who We Are, our grade 6 learners were studying about adolescence and all the hormonal imbalances that might result from glands disorder.

Our learners decided to go through a new experience and interview Mr. Bashir Hatoum, a Grade 12 student at BBS, who has diabetes and was eager to talk about his journey with this chronic disease. The best part of this interview is that students demonstrated most of the IB learner profile attributes in one single activity. In addition, our learners were inquirers and knowledgeable as they showed curiosity in asking a wide range of questions. Moreover, learners were excellent communicators as they listened to the ideas of others and expressed themselves confidently. To add, learners acted with integrity and honesty. They were principled and caring, showed compassion and respect, and yet were risk takers when it comes to the kinds of questions asked.

The interview itself was a success. It was fun mixed with education. Finally, Bashir taught us all how to be balanced and responsible for our daily decisions, which makes self-management a crucial element for overcoming any obstacle in life.

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Grade 5 – Making Tessellations on GeoGebra

Grade 5 – Making Tessellations on GeoGebra

During the 3rd central Idea, “How we express ourselves”, grade 5 learners created Tessellations on GeoGebra during their ICT sessions. This helped them to reinforce their visualization skills. Moreover, they modeled real world problems and made connections between the real world and mathematics. Finally, they were able to foster an appreciation for the “Art of Mathematics”.

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Grade 4 – Math is Fun

Grade 4 – Math is Fun

It was a real fun to see learners happy, motivated, and truly involved using smarties, M&Ms, and marshmallows to divide whole numbers that do not divide evenly. In each section of grade 4, the learners worked in groups of 4, with each dividing different amounts of smarties among themselves. The results were interesting.

– Some ended up having a remainder greater than the divisor; consequently, they figured out that there are more smarties than can be shared equally.

– Some had more smarties in groups than others; as a result, they understood that division is about sharing items equally and it’s fine if some are left over, the left over is the remainder itself.

Finally, it’s a real privilege to see learners truly involved and excited to study math and having fun learning new concepts.

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International Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup 2020

International Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup 2020

Congratulations to our #BBS learners Talia Abou Orom Gr 5 and Karen Hasan Ali Gr 6 for participating and winning in the Savkar International Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup 2020.

Talia Abou Orom: 1st place in hoop

2nd place in rope

3rd place all around

Karen Hasan Ali: 2nd place in rope

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Christmas Show 2019

Christmas Show 2019

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Teeth Checkup

Teeth Checkup

The BBS clinic partnered with Kidsairline Pediatric Clinic to spread oral health awareness. Dr. Jad Nasr visited our school on the 11th, 12th, and 13th of December and did a full teeth checkup for KG3, Gr 3, 6, 7 and 8 learners.

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